HaysMed has started performing total knee replacements in specific candidates with computer assisted navigation.
Orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Oluwaseun Akinbo MD, has recently incorporated this novel computer assisted navigation into his practice for performing total knee replacements.
Computer-assisted total knee replacement is a procedure that ensures a higher level of precision with bone cuts during the knee replacement procedure.

“With the aid of a real time surgical navigation system, we can improve on bony alignment and soft tissue balance, which are the two most critical components of a knee replacement,” said Akinbo.
“The CAS system we have used is slightly larger than a cell phone,” said
. “However, the technology is the equivalent to the larger CAS in precisely measuring the information needed for successful total knee replacements.”
When your knee replacement is aligned precisely the forces across the components are even, which results in less wear on the joint replacement.
“Computer-assisted knee replacement is one of the most technologically advanced methods of performing your knee replacement today. Your body’s everyday function is dependent upon a high degree of perfectly coordinated motions based on precision,” added Akinbo.
The computer based surgery is an option for anyone needing total knee replacement surgery. It is especially beneficial for patients at risk for malpositioning of components to include morbidly obese patients and patients with significant deformities. It also eliminates the removal of most indwelling implants prior to a knee replacement surgery.
To make an appointment go to https://www.haysmed.com/orthopedic-institute/ or call 785-261-7599.