The Judges Assistance Committee provides help to any Kansas judge in need due to mental or physical disability, or addiction.
Flax and Hoelscher will serve four-year terms from July 1 through June 30, 2023.
Flax serves in Trego County of the 23rd Judicial District and succeeds District Magistrate Judge Keith Whitney, who serves in Meade County of the 16th Judicial District.
Hoelscher serves in Sedgwick County of the 18th Judicial District and succeeds Retired District Judge Steve Becker of Buhler, who served in Reno County of the 27th Judicial District.
Snyder will complete a vacated term on the committee that expires June 30, 2022. He serves in Rush County of the 24th Judicial District. He succeeds Moundridge Municipal Judge Amie Bauer.
Other members of the Judges Assistance Committee are:
District Judge Ben Burgess, who serves in Sedgwick County of the 18th Judicial District.
District Magistrate Judge Marty Clark, who serves in Russell County of the 20th Judicial District.
District Judge Sally Pokorny, who serves in Douglas County of the 7th Judicial District.
District Judge Mark Ward, who serves in Bourbon County of the 6th Judicial District.