There’s been significant growth north of Interstate 70 in Hays since the 500,000-gallon water tower was constructed and city water was extended to the area in 1993.
A single 16-inch water main crossing under the interstate is the only water service to the many businesses in the north pressure zone and needs to have redundancy.
The project has been in the design phase for the past six months.
“Right now, we have one waterline crossing under I-70 and that was fine while there wasn’t a whole lot up there,” says Toby Dougherty, city manager. “Now that we have a mass balance of businesses up there, if we were to have a significant break underneath the interstate with that one line, we are limited to the supply from the water tower. That’s not a long period of time on days when we’re using a lot of water up there.
“For fire protection, for viability of those businesses, it’s time to put in a second redundant water line crossing.”
As the project began, Dougherty said the city looked at how to provide the most benefit for long-term development, as well as water pressure and flow.
A study by Bartlett & West Engineers in 2018 recommended crossing I-70 at Hall Street, connecting a new 12-inch water main from 45th and Hall to an existing dead-end line along 48th Street at the west property line of Carrico Implement.
The plan also calls for the installation of a new booster pump station on city-owned property along West 41st Street just east of Post Road near a city water well.
Water pressure in the northwest part of Hays, which have been problematic, will be increased.
“That part of town is the furthest away from our towers and our pumping station,” Dougherty noted, “and it’s also at a very high elevation compared to the pumping station.
“We really don’t want to put another water tower up in that area right now. That’s a pretty costly endeavor.”
John Braun, city project manager, will review a recommended low bid of $769,678 with the city commission tonight from Midlands Contracting Inc. of Kearney, Neb., to construct a booster station and an additional waterline under I-70.
Other Oct. 17 agenda items include:
- Recommendation from city staff for renewal of the current health insurance plan for employees from Blue Cross Blue Shield, which is a 2 percent decrease from last year.
- Recommendation of requested annexation of property located at 700 West 48th Street, the former Mid-Kansas Auto. The property is contiguous to the city limits, and water and sewer services will soon be
available to the property. - An update on fundraising and plans for the Hays Accessible Recreation Complex
The meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. in Hays City Hall, 1507 Main.