Age: 36
Education: BBA, Computer Information Systems; BBA, Accounting; MBA, Accounting; PhD, Advanced Accounting; Certified Public Accountant, State of Kansas
Do you have a student currently attending USD 489 schools? No
Qualifications? I am a lifelong resident of Hays, a 2002 graduate of Hays High School, and currently an assistant professor of accounting at Fort Hays State University.
Do you support USD 489 trying for another bond issue? What do you think that bond should include? If you don’t support a bond issue, how do you think the school district should address its infrastructure needs?
With two failed bond questions, the hot issue in USD 489 is facilities. I agree there are facilities needs in the district. What remains unresolved is how to prioritize and pay for the necessary improvements.
I think I am the only candidate for the Board of Education who has publicly stated that I did not support either of the previous two bond issues. I believe the district has a responsibility to first clearly define the true needs and then clearly communicate them to the voters and taxpayers. Had the district clearly defined true needs and proposed a reasonable bond issue, the public would have supported it. Obviously the district failed in this regard, twice.
I also think K-12 education is a public good and the entire state benefits from an educated citizenry, not just the USD 489 tax base. I worry that if we step-up and pay for this ourselves, then the state legislature will be ‘off the hook’ and will not have to meet their constitutional requirement to adequately fund public education in Kansas.
The state has an obligation to fund education, and I think it is risky to assume those costs locally. State lawmakers must commit to fully-funding schools. I am not fundamentally opposed to a bond issue, but I am certainly opposed to one that is too big and includes too many ‘wants’ rather than clearly defined ‘needs’ of the students in the district.
What would you do to secure the financial health of the school district?
Without current involvement in the decision-making process at USD 489 and without a full analysis of the financial situation, it is inappropriate for me to render an opinion regarding specific steps to secure the financial health of the school district. Although some may view this response as an effort to dodge the question, as a Certified Public Accountant I am held to high professional standards. It would be professionally inappropriate for me to make public statements regarding the financial health of an organization without a full analysis of the underlying facts.
The Hays school board is at impasse with its teachers for the second year in a row. What would you do to improve relations with teachers?
In short, the two sides need to focus on the issues, not the people. In a perfect world, there would not be two sides. Rather, there would be an issue and proposed solutions to the issue. Together, those tasked with governance and oversight and those tasked with execution of the mission would work to agree on a reasonable compromise. I know we do not live in a perfect world, but that should not stop us from trying.
Do you support the district’s current one-to-one technology policy? If not, what would you propose?
I am not a proponent of technology for technology sake. I think technology in education is very important and necessary, but it should be treated as a supplement to, not a substitute for, high quality curriculum. Too often we get hung-up on the new flashy technology tool and fail to focus on the educational goals or purpose of that tool. We should not be using the tool because it is new and flashy. Rather, we should be using it only if it meets an educational objective.
How would you support the district in its work to improve student performance?
I see facilities, compensation, and technology as the three biggest challenges affecting student performance. Collectively, funding will be the ultimate challenge. I am not running for a seat on the Board of Education to bring sweeping changes or to shake anything up. I am running to provide levelheadedness to decision-making and to improve the culture and overall attitude of the board. A new governor with an increased funding commitment, a new superintendent with hopefully fresh ideas, and potentially several new board members with a commitment to working together to improve working conditions and ultimately the success of our students seems like a formula for much future success in USD 489.
Is there anything else you would like to add about you or your campaign?
There is nothing more important to a community than its public school system. Quality public schools provide the necessary foundation for everything else. I am not sure I am the best candidate for the Board of Education, but I believe I am a qualified candidate. I am a product of USD 489, graduating from Hays High School in 2002. I believe I was part of the system when it was at its prime. USD 489 provided me the educational foundation necessary for my personal and professional success. It is essential that individuals step up and ensure those same opportunities are afforded to those who follow us.
SEE RELATED STORY: USD 489 election: Engel says bond should be smaller, include only needs