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Hays USD 489 school board candidate: Lori Ann Hertel

Lori Hertel

Age: 59

Education: Ph.D. in Health Psychology

Do you have a student currently attending USD 489 schools? No

Qualifications? I have three children, I have worked in the mental health field for over twenty years, and I want to make a difference for students.

Do you support USD 489 trying for another bond issue? What do you think that bond should include? If you don’t support a bond issue, how do you think the school district should address its infrastructure needs?

I do support the USD 489 bond issue. I believe in years to come we are going to have buildings that are in dire need of repairs and maintenance. I believe we must maintain our current buildings to assure that in the future the needs are not as significant and costly as what they would be if we wait. We have a middle school that is overloaded with students and will soon be in dire need of additional space. The community and USD 489 will be in a position of making decisions regarding what to do regarding additional space for the middle school. If a bond is voted in by the community, there will be additional money for specific needs allocated by the Board to prepare for the future.

What would you do to secure the financial health of the school district?

I have attended the school board meetings and have found the financial officer is very good at keeping the financial books up to date. It is essential to remain within a budget and if money is left over to place that money in a contingency fund for future unexpected expenses. The school board continues to take bids for work that needs to be done, whether it be maintenance or technical. They carefully spend money at locations that is cost effective but will also do a good job for the schools. I would continue to be cost effective in spending money and only do so when the need arises. 

The Hays school board is at impasse with its teachers for the second year in a row. What would you do to improve relations with teachers?

I think it is very important to maintain a good relationship with teachers, as they should understand that the school board is in support of their efforts. I believe the school board can demonstrate their support not only through awards but by going into the schools and showing support through our actions. I think it would be great to attend site councils, teacher in-services, teacher work- days, and other events where we can show our support and appreciation to the teachers. I would like to be present when teachers receive various certificates or awards, keeping the number of school board members to a limit so as not to have so many members that according to the rules it is considered a board meeting. 

Do you support the district’s current one-to-one technology policy? If not, what would you propose?

With the information we have on brain development, I was skeptical about this policy. When I did further research, I began to understand and become supportive of the program. I learned the schools not only utilize technology in all levels of grades, but students are also using writing materials to utilize thinking skills on paper and books to utilize reading skills. I discovered that the balance is present in the classroom, in that students are not only technology knowledgeable, but they also utilize other skills as well. The other part is that technology is so rampant in our society, if they are not kept to date, they will fall behind.

How would you support the district in its work to improve student performance?

I would be happy to sit on a committee for the purpose of improving student performance. I would do research or do other work needed to help this cause. This is an important issue and I would treat it as such.

Is there anything else you would like to add about you or your campaign?

Working in the mental health field for numerous years, I am aware of the significant changes to our mental health population. More children/youth are experiencing mental health issues or witnessing the same within their homes. It is difficult to teach this large population of students. Without intervention, the problem will only get worse. I would like to encourage the schools to utilize outside resources to intervene within classrooms or as a student body, to allow teachers to effectively work with these students and at the same time utilize their academic skills.

SEE RELATED STORY: Hertel enters Hays USD 489 board race; deadline to file June 3

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