RUSSELL — Select Russell County retailers will kick off the holiday shopping season with Plaid on the Plains, Nov. 29 through Dec. 1. Russell area shoppers will be encouraged to “put their money where their heart is”, by supporting local businesses. Plaid on the Plains promotes the many social and economic benefits of spending time and dollars with local small businesses during the holiday shopping season.
Plaid on the Plains kicks off on Nov. 29 with Plaid Friday, the small business alternative to Black Friday. Small Business Saturday, the American Express initiative, follows the next day. The three-day event wraps up with Sunday Funday. Russell County retailers are encouraged to participate in Plaid on the Plains. There is no cost associated with the promotion, other than whatever discounts, sales or giveaways the retailer chooses to provide. Retailers are asked to complete a simple registration form no later than Friday, Nov. 15. This information will be compiled into the 2019 Shop Sheet which will be printed by Office Products, Incorporated (Russell) and distributed by Encore Antiques & Collectables/Veez Unlimited starting at 10 a.m. Friday, Nov. 29. Registration forms are available at Encore and Russell County Convention and Visitors Bureau.
This promotion is a partnership between Encore Antiques & Collectables/Veez Unlimited, Russell County Convention and Visitors Bureau, KRSL Russell Radio, and Office Products, Incorporated – Russell. For additional information, contact Encore Antiques & Collectables at 785-445-8480 or stop by 590 S. Fossil in Russell.
— Submitted