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Paradise UMW Bazaar and Turkey Dinner Nov. 9

On Saturday, November 9 the Paradise United Methodist Women will hold their 69th annual Bazaar and Turkey Dinner in the Paradise auditorium on Main Street.

The Bazaar features the church cookbook, hand-made crafts, home-made baked items as well as candies, jellies, and other foods. All items are reasonably priced.

The bazaar opens at 10:30 a.m. and the turkey dinner begins at 10:45 a.m.

The menu includes turkey and dressing with all the trimmings, including homemade rolls, cranberry fluff, coleslaw, pies and desserts. Carryout is also available.

The cost of the meal is $12 for adults, and kids grades K-4 is $6.

The event is held the first day of pheasant hunting season, providing a great meal for hunters as well as anyone else who enjoys visiting with old friends over a delicious meal at an affordable price.

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