A while back, I told you about our adventure watching the prairie chickens southeast of Winfield with our hosts Bob and Margaret Massey who operate 4M Ministries.
After losing a son in a tragic farm accident in 1972, Bob and Margaret sensed God telling them to use their home, their ranch and their unique style of down-home hospitality to help meet special needs of people around them. 4M Ministries was founded and over the years the Massey ranch has been a Christian boys ranch, and a temporary haven for abused wives and their children and for missionaries awaiting reassignment, among other things.

Since 4M Ministries is smack in the middle of ranching country, they have long felt the need for a Saturday evening cowboy church to provide a worship opportunity for cowboys and ranchers who have cattle to care for on Sunday morning. They are happy to announce the first cowboy church service at the Heritage Center there at Mark Massey Memorial Ministry (4M Ministries) will be Saturday evening May 28 at 7 PM. There will be singing, a short message by Dane Massey (one of two sons who are full time pastors) and cookies and refreshments afterward. This will be true cowboy church held in true cowboy country. Margaret told me “Boots are expected and cow manure is accepted!”
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Now you may think it’s a bit early to be talking about trapping, which is by nature a fall and winter sport, but to die-hard trappers it’s never too early to talk trapping. Most states have their own state trapping associations which hold annual rendezvous each year in their respective states.
There are also two national trapping associations that have their annual conventions at different locations around the country each year. This July 7, 8 and 9, the Fur Takers of America (FTA) will hold their annual rendezvous at the Douglas County Fairgrounds, 2100 Harper Rd, Lawrence, KS. There will be trapping supply companies from all over America, as well as a full slate of trapping demonstrations each day presented by nationally renowned trappers from across the country. These will be the guys and gals that write the trapping books and make the trapping videos!
This event is being sponsored by our own Kansas Fur Harvesters Association and is a big deal for our state. Even if you don’t trap but are interested in hunting, fishing and the outdoors, this event is something you should experience.
Check out the FTA website for more details at www.furtakersofamerica.com.
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For my fishing buddies, good-natured ribbing is always part of the fishing trip, so to end this week’s column I’ve come up with a few zingers targeting those of us who maybe shouldn’t be fishermen.
If choosing what to wear on the boat each day makes you more emotional than landing a 4 pound walleye, you probably shouldn’t be a fisherman.
If it upsets you greatly when the color of the lure your using clashes with the color of your reel, you probably shouldn’t be a fisherman.
If you feel the need to eulogize every night crawler you thread on a hook, you probably shouldn’t be a fisherman.
And finally, if you think “trolling” has something to do with ugly, wart-covered beasts that live under bridges, you probably should not be a fisherman…Continue to Explore Kansas Outdoors!
Steve Gilliland, Inman, can be contacted by email at [email protected].