Western Kansas Human Resource Management Association will hold its monthly meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 11, at the Robbins Center (Eagle Communication Hall), One Tiger Place.
Registration is from 11:15 to 11:30 a.m., with a short business meeting starting at 11:30 a.m.
The program for the December meeting will be “Supporting Moms in the Workplace,” presented by Brenda Bandy with Kansas Breastfeeding Coalition. The program will be submitted for SHRM continuing education credits. WKHRMA members can RSVP at wkhrma.shrm.org. The deadline to RSVP is noon on Dec. 6.
WKHRMA is an affiliate chapter of SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management), a local professional organization for persons engaged in personal or human resource management. For more information on WKHRMA, visit wkhrma.shrm.org.